Student Works gives students the opportunity to develop and lead programming while working closely with adult mentors.

Teen Cabarets
We are looking for theme ideas, hosts, and organizers for upcoming and ongoing Teen Cabarets (dates TBD).
Themes ideas include: Summer Lovin’, Dream On, Tainted Love, Gender Bender, Block Party Summer, Duet Throwdown, Falling For You, A Very Broadway Holiday, It’s Too Darn Hot, It Takes Two, Broadway Rocks, and Sing For Your Supper.
Hosting duties include introducing the performers, communicating upcoming Upside Arts information to the audience, and keeping it fun! Hosts are encouraged to perform as well.
Organizing duties include contacting performers and musicians, coordinating rehearsals and setup for the event, and organizing a setlist.
We are accepting production proposals for Teen Workshop or other productions, of existing plays or musicals.
Applicants must consider both actor and audience appeal, why the project is a good fit for Upside Arts, what opportunities the project provides for other students, and why they want to do this production. They must also include a budget analysis of how much it will cost to put up the show (include licensing fees, set, costumes, props, staff (if not volunteer), registration fees (what students pay to participate), and projected ticket income.
Production Proposals

Original Shows
We are accepting submissions for Youth Productions, Day Camp Productions, Teen Productions, and Student Playreadings. All original plays will also be considered for Playreadings. Submissions must include a short blurb, a detailed outline, a character list, a draft of at least the first three scenes, and (if a musical) a demo of at least three songs.
Youth Productions are open to students aged 7-17, and all students who audition are cast. There are 3-4 Youth Productions throughout the school year. Youth Productions generally rehearse three weekdays from 4-6pm, with rehearsals every day during tech week. Performances are at 10am, and run for two weekends. To be considered for the 2023 calendar year, Youth Production scripts must be submitted by August 1, 2022.
Day Camp Productions are open to students aged 7-14 and Counselors In Training (CITs) aged 15-17. All campers and most CITs are cast. Each of the 3 two-week sessions culminates in a fully staged production. Camp hours are 9am-4pm, with some hours each day dedicated to staging, music, and choreography rehearsals. The production team consists of the Day Camp counselors and CITs. Accepted applicants are strongly encouraged to apply to be a counselor. To be considered for the 2023 calendar year, Day Camp Production scripts must be submitted by August 1, 2022.
Teen Productions are typically open to students aged 13-19, but this is open to the discretion of the playwright/director. Production and rehearsal dates, performance location, and more can be decided by the playwright/director in conjunction with the Upside Arts leadership (deferential to other Upside Arts programming and location availability).
Student Playreadings give playwrights a chance to hear their work, and collect audience and actor feedback without/before staging a full production. Playreadings are free and open to the public. There would be a few rehearsals before the event, dates TBD.
*All submitted original plays will also be considered for a Playreading.